Prior to joining eAdvancement, Gary served from 2013-2017 as Vice President for Advancement at The University of Scranton, where he led a staff of 36, managed all aspects of a maturing development and constituent relations program, and was a member of the President’s Cabinet. During his tenure at Scranton, giving to the University increased by 123%.
Prior to Scranton, Gary served for twenty years as Associate Vice President of Alumni Relations at Villanova University, where he founded the award-winning Leadership Summit, established an Alumni Association Board of Directors, instituted a corporate partners program and expanded programs and staff.
A recognized leader in the advancement profession, Gary has served on the CASE Board of Trustees and has chaired the CASE Commission on Alumni Relations. He has presented at numerous CASE conferences including the CASE Summit for Senior Advancement Leaders, the CASE Latinoamerica Conference in Monterrey, Mexico and the CASE Summer Institute on Alumni Relations, where he served as faculty chair. More recently, Gary was chair of the CASE Alumni Relations Metrics Task Force and a member of a CASE Peer Review team. Gary has been named CASE Laureate.
Gary earned both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Villanova University.
Within the consortium, Gary’s areas of expertise include board development, strategic planning, volunteer engagement, executive coaching and integrated alumni relations/development strategies.
Contact Gary Olsen at:
[email protected]
21 Patriot Lane
Thornton, PA 19373